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Would you like to have a baseline measurement of your legal operations carried out?

Contracting, fulfilling obligations and exercising rights are integral business processes of business operations. Operations refers to the organization of business activities using business processes (for example, sales, personnel and purchasing processes). In short, a (departmental) team manages business processes supported by IT applications.

A baseline measurement of the legal operations, in the relationship between business activities and business processes, identifies bottlenecks and areas for improvement.

In other words, a baseline measurement provides insight into:

  • How is the current legal operations organized?
  • Has the company made the right agreements with customers, employees and suppliers?
  • Are the objectives of contracts achieved?
  • Do the agreements made comply with current legislation and regulations?
  • Are contractual rights optimally exercised and are contractual obligations effectively fulfilled?
  • Are there liability and cost risks associated with the current agreements?
  • Are measures necessary to limit liability and cost risks? and
  • Are there areas for improvement to organize business activities more effectively?

What is the approach?

We agree with the board of directors and management about the purpose, scope and scope of the baseline measurement so that we can manage expectations about the results of the baseline measurement. The baseline measurement can focus on the organization of one business activity or of several business activities (e.g. personnel management, purchasing, etc.).

Our professional takes on the role of project leader and, together with the employees of your company, makes an inventory of the current legal operations and maps it out. It is tested whether the legal operations is effective and cost-efficient. A reference framework is drawn up that is determined by the company size, the nature and objectives of the business activities, relevant legal frameworks and the number of legal proceedings to be expected per year.

Rol van de medewerkers
Invloed van wet- en regelgeving

There are many reasons for performing a baseline measurement. Often they are signals from employees about bottlenecks and areas for improvement, excessive costs of conducting lawsuits and/or disproportionate administrative organizational effort and costs to meet contractual obligations.

We see it as our role to give these employees ‘space’ to name the points and place them within a broader framework. Gaining mutual trust is built up during the inventory conversations with employees and is later necessary for the successful implementation of a more effective legal operations.

By performing a baseline measurement, the company management addresses the signals from the employees and an appropriate remedy can be taken.

New legislation may be a reason to explicitly organize the legal operations for business activities. Relevant legal changes supplement the bottlenecks and points for improvement.

Mirroring the business activities with the existing business contract set and associated processes gives an idea of the degree of effective organization. This picture and with the inventory of bottlenecks and points for improvement make an estimate of the maturity level of the legal operations.

The report consists of a report of findings and an action plan for setting up legal operations or for implementing points for improvement. This report is minimally necessary for the management to take the next step. It can be a reason to change the scope and scope of the baseline measurement and or to draw up a business case

Awareness and training program

The rationale behind a more effective legal operations is easy to fathom. However, organizing legal operations can be challenging. Company-specific knowledge and change management for the legal operations can then offer a solution.

It is recommended that the results of the baseline measurement be worked out in awareness and training programmes. When organizing the legal operations, such training programs are necessary to create support among management and employees.

Make an appointment and discuss the right approach for your situation

Do you have questions about organizing, implementing or expanding your legal operations? Our service owner will be happy to discuss your specific needs, wishes and/or case.