Meet our partners
We work together with various companies with the aim of seamlessly matching our services to the needs of our customers. View our partners here with whom we work together to see if we have a collaboration.
Duthler Academy has been a leading training institute since 2014 with specialism in the field of legal operations, compliance, privacy and information security. The office is located in The Hague. We consist of more than 20 employees/teachers and offer various training programs. A training course is unique because of the combination of practice and theory. All our teachers are professionals ‘from the field’ and teach the theory on the basis of concrete cases and practical examples.
The SBC Management System provides an overview and insight into your organization, processes, processing of personal data and other business objects, in this case the area of responsibility and liability of your organization. With the learning environment you ensure awareness and knowledge among management and employees. These are necessary preconditions for behavioural change with regard to data protection and information security.
MYOBI is a Trusted Third Party (TTP) that manages the trust network, enables companies to manage their information ecosystem and provides trust services. On the trust network, we allow professional suppliers, such as Duthler Associates, of applications that provide added value for the users of the network. MYOBI fulfills, on the trust network, the role of digital “notary” and digital “broker” and manages the semantics of data definitions.